Virginia Craft Brewers Guild

Virginia Craft Beer Quarterly Seminar Series 6/10/24

Virginia Craft Beer Quarterly Seminar Series 6/10/24

Monday, June 10, 2024 (2:00 PM - 6:00 PM) (EDT)


The Virginia Craft Brewers Guild (VCBG) hosts a quarterly seminar series to help independent craft breweries improve brewery profitability, develop new market opportunities, build relationships with regulatory agencies, and share excellent craft beer. These seminars include VA ABC compliance officers, VDACS/VBDC staff, industry experts, peers, and potential customers. The Craft Beer Showcase allows select retailers to taste featured beers available through the new Virginia Beer Distribution Company and other wholesalers representing member companies


2-2:45pm - Advanced Hop Products: A Practical Guide for Craft Brewers - Steve Bradt, Hopsteiner

2:45pm-3:15pm – Regulatory Compliance: Licensing and Labeling - Officers from the Statewide Compliance Administration, Virginia ABC

3:15pm-4:00pm – VA Beer Distribution Company Update - Robert Davenport, Director of Marketing and Development, VDACS; Dakota Rust, Operations Manager, VBDC

4:00-4:30pm – Virginia Market Analysis, Retail Trends, and Wholesale Trends - Brett Vassey, President & CEO, Virginia Craft Brewers Guild; Hannah Price, Indulge Lead - Beer Buyer, Ellwood Thompsons

4:30pm-6pm – Beer Tasting/Showcase: Networking with Select Retail Buyers & VA Beer Distribution Company Staff

If you want to participate in the programming from 2pm-4:30pm virtually, we will provide you with a Teams link after registering.

Registration Price: 

$25 pp - Attend Program & Tasting Event

VCBG Headquarters
2112 W Laburnum Ave Ste 205
Richmond, VA 23227 United States
Event Contact
Latané Gilbert
(804) 401-8221
Send Email
Monday, June 10, 2024 (2:00 PM - 6:00 PM) (EDT)
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